When someone is released on bond one thing that may come as a surprise to many is that bail conditions may often be involved as a part of the release. Bail conditions are a set of rules that have to be followed in order for the judge to agree to offer bond. Here are some of the basic facts to know about them
Why bond conditions exist
When the courts offer bond, they are taking a risk that the defendant will be on their best behavior and that they will show up to court as promised. To help make sure that they didn’t make a mistake in releasing the defendant they essentially create safeguards to both make sure that any victims are safe from harassment or violence and that the defendant does not flee to escape justice.
How bond conditions are decided
A judge will look at several factors when deciding what bail conditions would be appropriate. A past criminal record may give the judge a better overall outlook of what types of behaviors are consistent within the individual but also things like if the charges are for a violent crime or if the defendant has otherwise shown to be an upstanding member of society, all these things can help the judge determine what if any conditions need to be applied.
Common types of bail conditions
In terms of bond conditions, anything could be given but there are some common ones that get given often. Some of these include restrictions on travel, even to just another city, maintaining a job, and periodic check-ins with the courts or probation officers. These are all extremely common but three bond conditions that are basically universally handed down are no alcohol, drugs, or firearms while out on bond.
What happens if you violate the bond conditions
Now it may not come as a surprise but if bond conditions are not followed it puts the defendant at risk of being put back in jail. It may not be immediate but violations can lead to a new warrant for breaking the contract of the bond.
To sum up, bail conditions in many ways are like that of probation where certain rules have to be followed for the privilege of freedom. Though some may be an inconvenience, they shouldn’t be too hard to follow and it may just give a good impression to the judge for the upcoming trial or hearing.