Obtaining Broomfield bail bonds is made easy with the Broomfield County bail bondsman. We answer our phones 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Any jail, any time. When you need help, advice, and bail bonds in Broomfield County, we are here to provide our service to you.

Need Broomfield County Bail Bonds? Call Us 24/7 At (303) 271-0808
Start Your Bond
Our bonding process can be completed 100% online. Apply, sign, pay, and bail your loved one out in minutes with our easy online process.
Bail in Broomfield County: Quick Facts
- The bail agent (as required by the jail), must
make an appointment to post bond - Once a bond is ordered, release time must be within 6 hours (unless a GPS is ordered, or there is another bond condition holding up the process).
- There are two ways our bail agents can complete
the bail transaction: Online, and in person (a bail agent can
meet you in person at the jail)

Court System Information:

About the County
The City and County of Broomfield is a prominent suburb and tier of the Denver metropolitan area. Broomfield is the only city within Broomfield County. Contact us regarding Broomfield County bal bonds. Find information about the Broomfield County Court system, including costs, appearances, and divisions of courts, probation information, and other helpful resources by visiting the Combined Court website.
Broomfield County is unique in Colorado as the only county that has a combined city and county police department. The City of Broomfield maintains one detention facility. Like other facilities throughout the Front Range, the detention center houses people who are awaiting the outcome of their criminal case, and inmates who are serving their sentence in the jail. If you have a loved one in jail, contact us to learn more about how our bail bondsman in Broomfield can help you get your loved one out of jail fast. Unlike other counties, the Broomfield Chief of Police is hired by the city rather than being elected
In addition to responsibility for the City and County Detention facility, the Broomfield Police Department also is responsible for many other duties, such as: court security,transporting inmates to and from court appearances (in and out of county), service of process, participation in the “task force” that crosses jurisdictional borders, the patrol of the entire county and city and many other roles.
The County Today
Broomfield is the newest and smallest county in Colorado, becoming official on November 15, 2001. The City of Broomfield was incorporated in in 1961 in the Southeastern border of Boulder County. It continued to grow in population and in geographical size through annexation. Many of those annexations crossed over into neighboring counties causing the city to deal with four different sales tax rates, four court districts, and four county seats. Broomfield has a population that is just below 40,000 and its commercial activity is highly centered on technology giving it one of the highest median income levels in Colorado.